On May 21, we will welcome Professor R.R.A. Martins, who will present how to shape sustainable aviation with multidisciplinary analysis and design optimization.
The Institute for Sustainable Aviation (ISA) held its second workshop on trajectories for the future of aviation on Friday 15 December.
Welcomed at the Manufacture des Tabacs by Hugues Kenfack, President of Toulouse Capitole University, and Stéphane Mouton, Professor of Law (UTC) and member of the ISA’s CODIR, more than 75 students, researchers, teachers and industry executives came to explore a wide range of disciplines (economics, law, history, meteorology, physical and computer sciences) to broaden their vision of the future of aviation.
The speakers – Louis Devoyon, Paula Navarro, Matthieu Plu, François Gallard, Thierry Poinsot and Elise Roy de Belleplaine – addressed issues such as the cross-influences between air transport and society, industrial organisation, decision-making tools for energy transition, limiting persistent condensation trails, the role of hydrogen and combustion safety in the energy mix, and the law on new technologies to meet the challenges of decarbonising aviation.
To close the workshop, Laurent Joly, Director of the Institute for Sustainable Aviation, summarized the work presented and the discussions it generated.
Appointment is given in June 2024 for the next edition.
Program and presentations :
Welcome by Hugues Kenfack – President of Toulouse-Capitole University and
Stéphane Mouton – Professor of Law (UT1C), member of the ISA Board of Directors
Introduction – Laurent Joly – Director of ISA
Louis Devoyon (UT2) – Air transport and society: intersecting influences – DEVOYON_Louis_ISA_15-12
Paula Navarro (TSE) – Sustainable pathways in the aircraft manufacturing industry: an industrial organization structural model with learning – NAVARRO_Paula_ISA_15-12
Matthieu Plu (Météo-France) – Forecasting persistent contrails to limit their effect on the climate: challenges and prospects
François Gallard (IRT Saint Exupéry) – How MDO can help to address the energy transition as an optimal decision problem, with concrete illustrations of the GEMSEO framework features – GALLARD_François_ISA_15-12
Thierry Poinsot (Cerfacs/CNRS) – The place of hydrogen and the importance of combustion safety in our energy mix: the specific case of transport and aeronautics – POINSOT-Thierry_ISA_15-12
Elise Roy de Belleplaine (UT1C) – The law on new technologies (AI): a relevant tool for meeting the challenges of decarbonising aeronautics – ROY DE BELLEPLAINE_Elise_ISA_15-12
Workshop summary – Laurent Joly – Director of ISA
On May 21, we will welcome Professor R.R.A. Martins, who will present how to shape sustainable aviation with multidisciplinary analysis and design optimization.
On September 17, ISA was honoured
to welcome Professor Ricardo Flores-Fillol, who spoke on « The environmental challenge in aviation: can airport charges be part of
The Institute for Sustainable Aviation is delighted to welcome Mudit Dhakar to the TSE for the 4th year of his thesis.
The aim of his