AeroMAPS : signing of a joint Chair between ISAE-SUPAERO and SOPRA STERIA

On Wednesday June 21 at the International Paris Air Show, Olivier Lesbre, Managing Director of ISAE-SUPAERO, and Xavier Pecquet, member of Sopra Steria’s Executive Committee, announced the launch of a skills sponsorship chair aimed at improving the usability, maintainability & scalability of the AeroMAPS open source tool.
This tool, developed by a team of ISAE-SUPAERO researchers and doctoral students – Thomas Planès, Scott Delbecq and Antoine Salgas – is a central component of the interdisciplinary research activities of the Institute for Sustainable Aviation. The ambition is to develop the Institute’s ability to represent the sociological, economic and regulatory aspects of aviation, beyond technological and environmental assessments, to become a sectoral Integrated Assessment Model.





The Institute for Sustainable Aviation (ISA) held its second workshop on trajectories for the future of aviation on the 15th of December 2023.

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